API reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of the pyremo API.

Top-level functions

remo_domain(domain_id, **kwargs)

Creates an xarray dataset containg the domain grid definitions.


Returns a dictionary containg the domain grid definitions.

open_remo_dataset(filename[, options, ...])

Read a REMO dataset.

update_meta_info(ds[, id])

Updates meta info of a dataset.

parse_dates(ds[, use_cftime, calendar])

Update the time axis of a REMO dataset.

parse_absolute_time(time[, use_cftime, calendar])

Update a time axis containg fractional absolute dates.

preprocess(ds[, use_cftime])

preprocessing for opening with xr.open_mfdataset

magic_number([n, m, o])

returns a magic number for REMO grid boxes.


returns a list magic numbers

file_pattern(type[, expid, date, code, ...])

Create a REMO output file pattern



Returns a dictionary with variable info.


Returns a tables with variabl meta data.


physics.pressure(ps, ak, bk[, ptop, z_coord])

computes pressure at model levels.

physics.liquid_water_content(t, relhum, p[, ...])

computes liquid water content from temperature, pressure and relative humidity.

physics.specific_humidity(t, relhum, p[, ...])

computes specific humidity from temperature, pressure and relative humidity.

physics.relative_humidity(t, qd, p[, qw, ...])

computes relative humidity from temperature, pressure and specific humidty (qd)

physics.precipitation_flux(aprl, aprc)

Precipitation flux pr [mm]


Partial pressure of water vapour e [Pa].

physics.specific_humidity_from_dewpoint(dew, ps)

Specific humidity huss [kg/kg].

physics.relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(dew, t2m)

Relative humidity hurs [%].

physics.surface_runoff_flux(runoff, drain)

Surface runoff mrros [mm].


Surface downwelling shortwave flux in air rsds [W m-2].


Surface downwelling longwave flux in air rlds [W m-2].

physics.toa_incoming_shortwave_flux(srad0, ...)

TOA incoming shortwave flux rsdt [W m-2].


Water evapotranspiration flux evspsbl [mm].

Pressure interpolation

prsint.pressure_interpolation(da, plev, t, ...)

Pressure interpolation of data on 3D model levels.

REMO preprocessor

CMIP (CF) preprocessor

preproc.gfile(ds[, ref_ds, tos, attrs, ...])

Creates a global dataset ready for preprocessing.

preproc.remap(gds, domain_info, vc, surflib)

remapping workflow

preproc.to_netcdf(ads[, path, expid, ...])

write dataset to netcdf

preproc.to_tar(files, tar_file[, mode])

Double nesting preprocessor

preproc.remap_remo(tds, domain_info_em, ...)

remapping workflow for double nesting

ECMWF cmorizer (ERA5)

preproc.ERA5(params[, cat, gridfile, scratch])

Class for cmorizing original ERA5 GRIB data.

Converting ECMWF data

preproc.ERA5.gfile(date[, path, expid, filename])

Create an ERA5 gfile dataset.


tutorial.open_dataset([name, cache, ...])

Open a dataset from the online repository (requires internet).

tutorial.load_dataset(*args, **kwargs)

Open, load into memory, and close a dataset from the online repository (requires internet).